Results (Flexible Support)

Last modified by Fredrik Lagerström on 2023/03/03 15:42

The Results frame contains the results from the calculation. The results are divided nto two categories, Ultimate limit state and Servicability limit state.

Ultimate Limit State, ULS


fctdMPaConcrete tensile strength used in the calculation. Derived from the concrete class of the hollowcore.
τ2, effMPaEffective shear stress due to shear forces in the beam
σpsMPaPrincipal stress in the hollowcore


η%Utilization of the calculation with regards to flexible supports

Shear flow

SfkN/mShear flow
τ2, effMPaEffective shear stress due to shear forces in the beam

Other parameters used in the calculation

βf-Correction factor with regards to core filling. According to FIB Bulletin 6, Table 3.2
βtop-Correction factor with regards to reinforcement in the topping. According to FIB Bulletin 6, Eq. 19
τ2, top  
τ2, imp  

Serviceability Limit State, SLS

1/rcurm-1Current curvature with regards to the applied loads
1/rallowm-1Allowed curvature. According to FIB Bulletin 6 3.4.3 this parameter is set to 0.027 m-1
η%Utilization in serviceability limit state, with regards to curvature